Jeff Hardyنام اصلی:Jeffrey Nero Hardy
لقب:Jeff Hardy
تاریخ تولد:August 31, 1977
محل تولد:Cameron, North Carolina
قد:215 lbs
مربیGeorge South Sr.)
(Italian Stallion)
(Dory Funk Jr)
تاریخ ورود به کشتی کج:1994
لقبهای دیگر:Willow of the Wisp (OMEGA);
Wolverine (OMEGA);
Jinx Brothers;
ضربه نهائی:Texas Cloverleaf (OMEGA)
Swanton Bomb
حرکات مورد علاقه ای که انجام میده:Twist of Fate
Poetry in Motion
Double Legdrop to Midsection
Sitout Jawbreaker
Whisper in the Wind(Tumbleweed)
Catapult into Quebrad
Flying Clothesline off Barricade
Folding Double Leg Drop
Reverse of Fate
Back Kick
Edge & Christian
Triple H
Matt Hardy
Rob Van Dam
Brock Lesnar
William Regal
Big Show
Eric Bischoff
Jeff Jarrett (TNA)
Monty Brown (TNA)
The Kings of Wrestling (TNA)
Abyss (TNA)
Johnny Nitro (WWE)
تاریخچه افتخاراتش:NDW Light Heavyweight title;
NWA 2000 Tag Team title;
UWA World Middleweight title;
OMEGA Tag Team titles;
OMEGA Heavyweight titles;
NCW Heavyweight title;
NCW Light Heavyweight title;
WWF Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating The Acolytes (June 29, 1999);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Edge & Christian (September 24, 2000);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Edge & Christian (October 23, 2000);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating The Dudleys (March 5, 2001);
WWF Intercontinental title defeating Triple H (April 12, 2001);
WWF Light Heavyweight title defeating Jerry Lynn (June 7, 2001);
WWF Hardcore title defeating Mike Awesome (July 10, 2001);
WWF Hardcore title defeating Rob Van Dam (August 13, 2001);
WCW Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Booker T & Test (October 8, 2001);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Booker T & Test (November 12, 2001);
WWE European title defeating William Regal (July 8, 2002);
WWE Hardcore title defeating Bradshaw (July 29, 2002);
WWE Intercontinental title defeating Johnny Nitro (October 2, 2006);
WWE Intercontinental title defeating Johnny Nitro (November 13, 2006);
اولین مسابقه ای که این کج کار انجام داد:Jeff & Matt Hardy started their on small wrestling promotion in North Carolina and called it "OMEGA"..
اخرین مسابقه این کج کار:January 7, 2007--New Year"s Revolution: Jeff Hardy defeated Johnny Nitro in a Steel Cage to retain the Intercontinental title..